

I love these old shots of Zoe, she is pure sweetness. Enjoy her lovely face!


Happy Thanksgiving people!!!!! Here's what happens when I get bored...hope you like the results!!


Looking into the eyes of the people of who love us may be the clearest glimpse of God many of us get in this world.

-Shane Claiborne


In this, we are all the same.

...in this we are all the same, we all crave love. It is as if we are searching for a love we have lost. Or perhaps more strangely we are searching for a love we have never known but somehow sense it awaits us.
-Erwin McManus


greater things.

"We paint to see if what was lost was in the picture. We composed to hear if what was lost was in the music. We sculptured to find if what was lost was in the stone. We wrote to discover if what was lost was in the story...
And through them, he reaches for us...
We are destined for greater things. Art, Literature, and music waken us to the alluring beauty of that destiny."
-Ken Gire


"She knows it is a threshold she will have to cross, but she is hesitant, unsure. She's wondering, i think, about a lot of things. Wondering what lies ahead, wondering what she will have to leave behind. Wondering if she'll make it as a grown up. She wonders...and something of her soul is made audible through her laughter."


Just the 5 of us.

The 5 of us had an AMAZING weekend in the wonderful city of Austin/Marble Falls, Tx.

More pictures to come :)


i like these...

hopefully someday soon i will have a new shoot to put up...but as of now...here's what i do when im bored.



Whatever you give me other than yourself...or whatever you reveal to me, or promise me, is much too little and insufficient for me unless i see you and fully possess you. My heart for certain, cannot find its true rest nor be perfectly happy unless it rises above ALL gifts and ALL creatures and rests in YOU.
--Thomas A Kempis


It was not required of me to understand.
It was required of me to love, and to go on loving, completely.
It was about loving and losing what you love.
It was about growing up, about learning when to let go, and how.
For all of life is learning when to let go...
and how.
-Ken Gire


I can't wait.

Well I can't wait to go to Europe so maybe someday i will actually have something to say on this blog.


a BFF.

yep. here she is. kasey claire musgrave, she's across the globe at the moment having an awesome time in Europe, anxiously awaiting my arrival in January! I decided to dedicate this post to her because she's awesome, and she listens to me and all of my crazy stuff...and because she almost got abducted in Italy, i think she deserves a picture too.
Musgrave, you should be reading this right now, because im sure you check my blog daily, i love you and i can't wait to SEE YOUU IN EUROPPPEEEE!!!


My mom loves me...and I have proof.

I have a really great mom. She does too much for me and loves me anyway. We've been together for a while now...

really old pics of my family that i love.