
Soooooooooooooooo I don't have much to update...other than this awesome picture taken in Heidelberg, Germany!!

My future travel plans include:

-VIENNA, AUSTRIA (March 5-8)

-LONDON (March 8-9)

-DUBLIN, IRELAND (13-15)....this includes the birthday celebration...as well as St. Patrick's day!...I won't even go into how upset I am that they moved my birthday this year...

-GLASGOW, SCOTLAND...and other Scotland places? (March 19-23)

-some sort of Island? (March 27-30)

-PARIS, FRANCE (April 5-9)

-ITALY...?...to be decided (April 16-22)

-Spain...?...(May 4-7)

There is a lot of useless information for you...I'll be updating with pictures from Austria next time you hear from me!!

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