
And the adventure begins...

WE MADE IT! I wasn't sure that we were going to....specifically that I wasn't going to make it past the border...but alas, here we are! This city is beautiful....and I am completely in love with apple, rasberry, grape juice from Sainsbury's grocery store. What else do I have to tell you...? I am not much of a writer so i hope these blogs aren't too disappointing for you...whoever you are.....probably family, or good friends, or my boyfriend. Whoever you are, thanks for being interested in my life! Here are some photo's of life here...or life as i know it so far...

this is me walking...down Corn market street I think...photo thanks to jess!

#10 Canterbury Road....The Crib.

Here are the two houses..

This is our magnificent window seat that many of you will hear MUCH about...incredible.

and this of course is the view from our window.

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